Backyard Sugaring with Vern Clifford, Postponed again to Thursday February 20 at 6:30 pm
Love syrup? Ever wonder about tapping into the liquid gold that might flow in your own backyard?
Vern will talk about maple sugaring for those who may be considering doing it on a small scale for the first time and for those who have done it but would like to learn more. He’ll have knowledge, pictures, and equipment to show and discuss!

Valentine Prints Craft Table, during open hours at the library
Join us to make valentines for your loved ones!

Winter Preschool Storytime, Thursdays at 11 am
Come warm up at the library to read stories, poems, and sing songs together with Liz. This is a drop-in 30 minute program. Craft bags to take and make at home will be available. See you then!

Yarn and Thread Fiber Group, 3rd Tuesday of the month from 2 - 4 pm
Do you knit, crochet, or embroider? Or maybe you have some mending. Whatever your handcraft, bring it along to work on, and join us for the purpose of sharing, listening, learning, and finding inspiration. If you need some guidance, we have crafters with expertise in sewing and knitting.

Museum and Park Passes provide free or reduced admission to VINS (Vermont Institute of Natural Science), Billings Farm & Museum, American Precision Museum, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, and all Vermont State Parks and Historic Sites. A museum or park pass may be borrowed from the library for 1 week at a time.

Abbott Memorial Library is open to the public and for curbside service on Tuesdays 10 - 6, Thursdays 10 - 6, and Saturdays 10 - 2.
Masks are not required. Please wear one if you prefer.
The Library is open to browsing and checkout of books, movies, audiobooks, and museum/park passes. WiFi, copier/printer/scanner, and public computer are available for use.

For curbside service, please call 457-2236, email, or make requests through this website.

Kanopy, a movie streaming service. Please contact the library for the barcode number you will need to set up your account.

Unable to come to the Library? Are you homebound or currently unable to visit Abbott Library in person? Contact us and we can help get library materials to you. Also, for a copy of our Policy Concerning Services to Individuals with Disabilities, please call 457-2236.